Article in the Inquirer

I was interviewed by Philadelphia Inquirer metropolitan columnist Dan Rubin about this Philly Ghost Signs Project blog. It was really fun, and has renewed my interest in seeking out and capturing more signage around Philadelphia. The article even made the front page of the Inquirer online!

If you’ve arrived here from the links in the article, welcome! If you haven’t, you can read the full article here. (LINK NO LONGER ACTIVE)

If you have any tips or information on signs that you know about, please send me an email via the link at right. Thanks for looking!

7 responses to “Article in the Inquirer”

  1. Aaron says:

    Hey that’s great news. I didn’t know you were still in the area. We were classmates at Drexel – I’m back at COMAD finishing up my GRDS degree, Sandy mentioned your Inquirer article today. Awesome. Get in touch!


  2. Frank Jump says:

    Congratulations Lawrence! I will post this in the Fading Ad Blog.


  3. eggmouth says:

    Great pics. I was hooked on ghost signs in Chicago, always thought about hunting and logging them but never followed through with it. In north Chicago a building was knocked down revealing and dish soap ad depicting two black children washing dishes. The sign’s slogan (which I can’t remember exactly but I remember the gist) was very politically and morally incorrect by todays standards. I remember thinking that it was an amazing American time capsule, even to show our ignorance. As a condo slowly went up next to the ad I wondered every day if the sign would attract news, protesters, or temporary masking to cover it. But to my knowledge it just went unnoticed as most ghost do… and I never got out a camera to capture it before the condo walls went up. Good for you for preserving these images- you never know when you might be kicking yourself for not catching them while they are shown.

    I’ll look out for ghosts and send you a tip if I see any.


    p.s…. I just thought of an old sign on the local gas station in my college town, Winchester VA: “FULL SERVICE FOR LADIES ONLY” I meant to take a picture of it for years, alas it to is now gone. (would have made a hot selling t-shirt) ;(

  4. Sam Roberts says:

    Hey Lawrence,

    This is great. I’m tracking press on signs via my UK blog and have added this to the growing list. Check it out at:

    The general address for the blog is

    Keep snapping!

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