Kolb’s Pan-Dandy Bread

Here in this undated photograph of demolition of buildings along the Parkway, we can see a full wall advertisement that features many of the same compositional elements present in this sign, including the baker figure:

The Kolb Bakery appears in advertisements as far back as 1908 (see far left corner in this photograph):

The 1909 Philadelphia City Directory lists Kolb’s Bakeries at 10th and Reed, Broad and Butler, and 56th and Market. In this “Reading Eagle” article dated March 4 1911, the rules of a competition give a little insight into Pan-Dandy Bread:

“”PAN-DANDY” is a bread made from the very highest grade of flour, purest of lard and sugar, and also contains as one of its principal ingredients “Malt Extract” which is used for the purpose of giving added value to the strength-building qualities of this bread.”

Almost certainly a privilege sign, with the business name of the occupant in lettering advertised above: “NUTALL. Dealer in new & second hand machinery”. Similar lettering across the front of building on 5th:

…and again facing traffic coming north:

502 West Montgomery Avenue [map]

One response to “Kolb’s Pan-Dandy Bread”

  1. alphabet says:

    I like the advertisement for the sign company on the lower left of the building. I suppose us sign painters were on barter back then too.

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