
This project began as an offshoot of my senior thesis at Drexel University. My thesis became a book that captured the sense of a space (Old City Philadelphia) using photographs, layout and found material. In the course of collecting this material, and through my love of typography, I became curious about and enamored by the number of mysterious eroded signs painted on the sides of buildings throughout the city. When the immense Jack Frost sugar refinery on Delaware Avenue was being demolished, I grabbed my camera to document the old signage before it was gone. I began to attempt to save these signs from all the areas of Philadelphia, and decided to put them online and map them for others to discover. The Ghost Sign Project was born.

For Further Exploration

I’ll hopefully be updating often, but in the meantime there are other ways to explore ghost signs:

Fading Ads of Philadelphia Book
Stay up to date with by signing on to our mailing list, find out about author appearances, read up on all the latest press, and preview the book on the official website for the Fading Ads of Philadelphia, or purchase via Amazon (paperback or Kindle editions), Barnes & Noble (paperback of Nook editions) and the Apple iBookstore (for the iPad).

Ghost Sign Project Facebook Page
Stay up to date with all the latest news and events about the book, the iOS app and the blog. Post your own signs, share with your friends and spread the word! Be sure to visit and like our Facebook page.

Ghost Sign Project App
Discover, share and preserve fading ads and ghost signs all over the world with the Ghost Sign Project application, available for iOS devices.

Ghost Sign Project Twitter Feed
Stay up to date with new fading ad findings, special announcements and news about the book, the app and the blog. Visit and follow via @ghostsign on Twitter.

Ghost Sign Project Foursquare Lists
Check out this list of signs that have been geotagged in Foursquare. Check in, comment, post a photo and share signs you find out there in the world. Find as many as possible and mark them off as done. Join Foursquare to get this list on your phone!

Ghost Sign Project on Pinterest
Check out this collection of ghost signs that have been pinned to my board on Pinterest. Comment, share and add the signs you find out there in the world.

Ghost Sign Project on Instagram
Check out signs that have been hashtagged on Instagram. Post a photo, tag it with #ghostsign and share signs you find out there in the world.
