Uncle Bill’s – Money To Loan

Whole facade covered in signage.

Front of building, isolated. Stitched together from multiple images. Click for larger version.

Top Row, left to right:
“… broke? Uncle Bill(?) has plenty”
“Uncle Bill’s(?) Licensed and Bonded Pawn Brokers”
“Kodaks, Bicycles and Sporting Goods”
“Talking Machines, Musical Instruments and Sewing Machines”
last two difficult to make out

Middle – “Money To Loan” flanked either side by yellow pawn symbols

Bottom Row, left to right:
“Store Orders Accepted”
“Men’s and Boy’s Clothing and Shoes”
“Diamonds, Watches and Precious Stones”
“Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases”
“Guns Revolvers”

Other views.

Signage continues around corner.

I found an image of Moyamensing taken in 1935, and you can see the store in the upper right corner, with the awnings, above the roof of the car. There apparently was a sign with large letters hannging from the front (see “L L S”):

PhillyHistory.org. Philadelphia Department of Records. 13 December 2007. .

Clarion Street and Moyamensing Avenue.

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