Girard Estate Warehouses – Robert Latimer

“24 Robert (?) Latimer” on facade.

The historic Girard Estate Warehouses in Old City, which looked to be on the brink of collapse in the early 2000s, have been renovated into luxury apartments. The warehouses, at Front and Church Streets, represent the final remnant of the city’s commercial seafaring past and constitute a rare intact historic block near the Delaware River.

The estate of shipping magnate Stephen Girard had built the warehouses in the late 1820s to early 1830s to store imported goods arriving at the Delaware River docks. The properties were listed on the Philadelphia Register of Historic Places in 1977. The city Historical Commission classified them as “significant” resources in 2003. They are also listed on the National Register of Historic Places and are included in the federal government’s Historic American Buildings Survey.

20 to 30 N. Front Street [map]

One response to “Girard Estate Warehouses – Robert Latimer”

  1. Lawrence says:

    Been a lot of talk about these buildings lately…

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