The Bicycle with the National Reputation

On 10th Street side of building, possibly newer signage?
“The Bicycle with the National Reputation”.
Vertical signage along rightmost column (not visible here) reads “BLACK BEAU(TY)” partially obscured.
Smaller diagonal signage between windows – “NORFOLK” “NEWARK” “BRA… …ES”

According to the periodical Iron Age (Jan-June 1919), Haverford Bicycle Company owner Max Sladkin purchased the property at 10th & Buttonwood to manufacture bicycles and bicycle parts. 

According to this catalogs (1, 2, 3), The Black Beauty was a line of bicycle models HBC sold.

Another shot from alankin’s photostream.

Hamilton Street, front of building.


Other views, opposite side of building, facing lot.

Other sides of building.
Most overlapping signage now illegible.

More modern signage from newer occupants.

10th and Buttonwood Sts. [map]

2 responses to “The Bicycle with the National Reputation”

  1. thinman says:

    I’ve always wondered what brand bicycle this is/was…

  2. Kelvyn says:

    Haverford Cycle Company built warehouse at 10th & Buttonwood

    I bike and work across the street from this building. I can see the faded letters from my office window, always wondered who the company was.

    Based on some clues in other threads on this building did some searching on Google Books: According to the periodical Iron Age (Jan-June 1919) Vol 103, Page 858 Haverford Bicycle Company owner Max Sladkin purchased the property at 10th & Buttonwood to manufacture bicycles and bicycle parts.

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